About Us



AKA “Mama Wordsmith”: Author of most blog posts. Lover of fun vintage finds, clean lines, natural textures, beautiful yarn color-ways, and quirky shoes. Often known to get lost in a new book, eat too much chocolate, and daydream for far too long

Mr. Project


AKA “The Handsome Hubs”: The might wielder of tools, picture hanger, recipe tester, and builder extraordinaire. He is able to see most of my crazy building schemes through from start to finish. He has been known on more than one occasion to sit down to catch up on office work and instead spend the day ripping apart an old television stand to create a beautiful flat screen mount for the office monitors. I am lucky to have hitched my star to this truly “renaissance” man. 

The Twins


AKA “Sugar and Spice”: Our soon to be born twin little girls. They both seem to be night owls, love Mr. Project's guitar playing, Momma's giggles, and Oscar's purring. Besides eating they are also know to love playing the xylophone on Momma's ribs. They truly are a gift from above and an reminder of patience, love, and good virtue.  



AKA “Momma's Boy”: This little guy and I have been a duo for 8 years now. He was around before I was ever a twinkle in Mr. Projects eye. He is an avid McDonald's customer, olive lover, hair dryer hating, and obedience school loathing puppy. He has mastered three tricks in his life sit, beg, and dance. What he lacks in obedience he sure makes up for with good looks. 



AKA “The Sassy Overachiever”: This little puppy has is all soft fur, big brains, and personality to boot. She is one of the easiest canines to train but her spunk sometimes gets in the way of her listening ability. Don't be fooled by her great dye job though this gal would much other be out with the menfolk camping and rolling in mud. 



AKA “The Creator of Chaos”: This bottle fed baby lords over his four legged campions with an iron paw. He intimidates them using the following methods: chewing on big dog bones, stalking, rolling over to seem submissive, and some pretty powerful right hooks. He is as sweet as he is evil there truly is no middle ground for him.  

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